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Education Kentucky recognizes the importance of a quality education. Here you'll find resources for parents, teachers & students. Locate school districts, get homework help, plan for college, advance your career with a GED, find libraries & view Educator resources.

Start Learning


Kentucky has​ 173 school districts with 1,233 schools. Find contact information, schools websites, and details about each school in the Newcomers Guide.

Get Ready for School


Kentucky offers four different programs that allow students of all ages to travel abroad while continuing their education.

Your Future is Now

Find out how good grades in high school translate to scholarship money​ once you start college.

Students have many different options to earn college credit while still attending high school. Advanced Placement, Dual Credit and Performance Based Credit.


The Education Professional Standards Board is responsible for issuing and renewing certificates for all Kentucky teachers and administrators.

Stay up-to-date with everything education​ within Kentucky. Read articles, share ideas, browse photos and get connected!

Educational Programs

A New Era in Education

Welcome to the new era in public education in the Commonwealth of Kentucky - designed to ensure every child reaches his/her learning potential and graduates from high school ready for college and career.

This program lays the foundation for what students should learn, what will be tested, how subjects will be tested, when tests are given, what should comprise the public school accountability system and more.

Early Childhood Development

High-quality early childhood education is a critical component of K-12 success, and research shows it can help close the achievement gap. Learn how investing in education early in life makes a big difference later in life.

Home School

Parents in Kentucky have the right to homeschool their children. Find out what requirements and responsibilities it takes to start home schooling your children.

Career and Technical Education

Find out how Kentucky is prepping students with the necessary skills to transition into postsecondary education and the workforce. Learn about the different programs areas, student-lead organizations and resources available.

Continue Learning

College and Career Readiness

Starting in 2011, the Kentucky Department of Education started working directly with local school districts to accelerate the amount of student who are college and career ready by the end of their senior year.

Military Help

KHEAA - Military Resources
Find VA office on campus

Your Next Step​

Find resources that will help you plan for college, payment options, search a library of college majors and online degrees, additional help for non-traditional students, and information about obtaining your post-graduate degree.