Michelle Heightchew Named Northern Region CNT Commander

FRANKFORT, Ky. (April 2, 2020) - Kentucky Department of Corrections acting Commissioner Randy White today announced that Michelle Heightchew has been named northern region commander of the Crisis Negotiation Team (CNT).

“Demonstrating exceptional leadership qualities, Heightchew is sure to serve as an outstanding leader in the changing and positive dynamics of negotiations preparedness within the Kentucky Department of Corrections,” said Stefany Hughes, the CNT state commander.

Heightchew began her career as an administrative specialist at Kentucky State Reformatory (KSR) in 2009. During her tenure at KSR, she worked in a variety of areas, including the mental health transitional unit, offender records, and the academic and vocational school. Heightchew later transferred to the Central Region Training Center where she worked as support staff. Shortly thereafter, she was promoted to an institutional training coordinator at Luther Luckett Correctional Complex (LLCC).

In 2010, Heightchew joined the Crisis Negotiation Team and completed the CNT basic academy. During her time with CNT, she has completed the FBI crisis negotiation course and the advanced negotiator course. She was named the KSR co-commander in 2013 and became the institutional team leader at LLCC in 2018


