FRANKFORT, Ky. (July 9, 2018) — For those interested in helping researchers estimate the size of Kentucky’s turkey flock, now there’s an app for that.
Zak Danks, ruffed grouse and wild turkey program coordinator for the Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources, said the department has added a smart phone app and a web-based survey to make it easier for people to report turkeys and poults spotted in the summer.
“Since 1984, this survey has provided data on turkey productivity and survival in Kentucky,” Danks said. “Traditionally, we’ve asked people to fill out surveys then mail them in. Adding apps and the web-based survey makes it faster and more convenient for people to help out with this important research.”
Danks encourages hunters, wildlife watchers and anyone who spends time traveling the state to participate in the survey. The department gathers survey information in July and August.
Surveys results help researchers determine if weather conditions in the spring have affected the number of young turkeys surviving into the summer.
For those wishing to participate in the turkey survey, visit the Kentucky Fish and Wildlife website at Click the “seasons” tab, then use the pull-down menu for “hunt” on the top left corner of the page. Select “game species” followed by “spring turkey.” This page has links to a print and mail survey, a web-based survey and the app for Apple or Android smart phones.