Attorney General Coleman Releases Elder Abuse Prosecution Manual

FRANKFORT, Ky. (July 31, 2024) Attorney General Russell Coleman announced today the Attorney General’s Office of Medicaid Fraud and Abuse Control released the 2024 Elder Abuse Prosecution Manual. The comprehensive resource includes best practices for prosecuting cases related to personal, financial and medical abuse, neglect and exploitation.

The Manual will be distributed to all 57 Commonwealth’s Attorney Offices and all 120 County Attorney Offices. The abuse, neglect and exploitation of vulnerable adults is a serious issue in Kentucky. The Office of Medicaid Fraud and Abuse Control received nearly 1,300 referrals in 2023 from the Adult Abuse Hotline and other sources.

“Kentucky’s seniors deserve to be treated with dignity and respect. The tireless work of prosecutors across Kentucky is essential to protecting senior citizens from abuse, neglect and exploitation,” said Attorney General Russell Coleman. “I’m grateful to the team in our Office who assembled this incredible resource and look forward to the continued collaboration that will keep seniors safe.”

“AARP Kentucky commends Attorney General Russell Coleman and his dedicated team for elevating awareness of and fighting elder abuse, neglect and financial exploitation. Older Kentuckians have earned the right to live without fear of abuse and exploitation,” said AARP Kentucky Volunteer State President, Gary W. Adkins.

Executive Director of the Attorney General’s Office of Medicaid Fraud and Abuse Control Matthew Kleinert led the effort in collaboration with Deputy Executive Director David Startsman and Executive Director of the Attorney General’s Office of Victims Advocacy Robyn Diez d’Aux. The original Manual was published in 2006.

Read the 2024 Elder Abuse Prosecution Manual.


