FRANKFORT, Ky., July 31, 2019 – As a first step in improving its website, the Judicial Branch has moved to a new web address at Starting today, users will automatically be redirected from the previous address of to
The state court system’s web address was changed in conjunction with moving the website to an updated platform. While visitors to the website won’t experience many differences right away, the changes are part of a plan to make the website mobile responsive and easier to use.
“People depend on the state court system’s website for criminal record reports, eFiling, ePay, CourtNet 2.0, trial court dockets, appellate court decisions, local court information and much more,” said Laurie K. Dudgeon, director of the Administrative Office of the Courts. “I’m excited that we’re a step closer to overhauling the look and feel of the website with a complete redesign that will improve the user experience.”
Users are encouraged to update their online bookmarks and any other items with the web address to reflect the new address of
Kentucky Judicial Branch
The Judicial Branch of state government is responsible for providing citizens with equal access to justice as they exercise their constitutional rights and privileges. There are four levels of Kentucky state courts. The two trial courts, Circuit Court and District Court, first hear the facts and issue judgments on those facts. The two appellate courts, the Supreme Court and Court of Appeals, may be asked to review the judgment of a lower court to see if a mistake was made. Appointed clerks of court are responsible for the custody, control and storage of Supreme Court and Court of Appeals records. Elected circuit court clerks are responsible for the custody, control and storage of Circuit Court and District Court records.
Administrative Office of the Courts
The AOC is the operations arm for the state court system and supports the activities of more than 3,400 court system employees and 406 elected justices, judges and circuit court clerks. As the fiscal agent for the state court system, the AOC also executes the Judicial Branch budget.