CPE’s Aaron Thompson to deliver State of Higher Education address

Council on Postsecondary Education President Aaron Thompson will deliver a virtual State of Higher Education address at 11:30 a.m. ET, Wednesday, Feb. 9. Thompson will outline state progress, current challenges and the new plan to meet Kentucky’s overarching education attainment goal, which is to raise the percentage of Kentuckians with a high-quality postsecondary degree or certificate to 60% by the year 2030. Achieving this goal is critical to improve opportunity for more Kentuckians, accelerate job creation and grow the economy through the contributions of a highly educated and productive workforce.

Joining Thompson for a panel discussion will be key leaders in higher education and the workforce. They include Murray State University President Robert Jackson, who serves as the current chair of the Conference of Presidents; Kentucky Education Commissioner Jason Glass; Kentucky Chamber President Ashli Watts; and Aliya Cannon, Northern Kentucky University’s student body president.

Registration is not required. Watch the webinar at https://cpe-ky-gov.zoom.us/j/89763840796.


